DemAlz Natural Memory Supplement
DemAlz Natural Memory Supplement was formulated to address the specific parts of the brain associated with memory and mental alertness. Researchers from around the world have spent countless hours studying the causes of memory loss and how to prevent it. Studies have shown the brain is under regular attack from things called “free radicals”(1). Science believes free radicals may be a main culprit in the onset of dementia, Alzheimer’s, and other debilitating conditions originating in the brain. Researchers have also discovered some naturally occurring compounds that show promise in the fight against free radicals. DemAlz Natural Memory Supplement contains a combination of several of those compounds.
During the research and development stage of DemAlz a Natural Memory Supplement, the name DemAlz was also researched to determine the market viability of the name. At the time no other products had been registered or were being promoted with the DemAlz name. The DemAlz name is a registered trademark in Colorado, USA.
However, after developing the “natural” product it was recently discovered a company registered a Trademark in Mexico for DemAlz. The Mexican trademarked product is a pharmaceutical and NOT a natural, plant-based, drug-free product.
The company owning the Mexican trademark is a large international pharmaceutical company who has extensively more capital to market the DemAlz name. Although the DemAlz Natural Memory Supplement product was developed in the U.S. and trademarked first in the USA, the decision was made that DemAlz the natural product would change the product name to Yu-Brain, so the natural product would not be confused with the pharmaceutical product.
The Yu-Brain product name also fits within other natural products which use yucca as their base. Yu-Brain will become part of the product family Yu-Gel a wound care hydrogel, Yu-Nerv for shingles, and Yucca Dermz for eczema or psoriasis.
As of this writing we do not know anybody who has used the pharmaceutical drug DemAlz, nor have we read any reviews about DemAlz the pharmaceutical product. The name change of DemAlz Natural Memory Supplement to Yu-Brain was a simple decision on marketing and nothing else.
Dementia is a progressive condition that affects the thinking and physical functions of the brain. Symptoms of dementia include difficulty walking and communicating, apathy, inappropriate behavior, and confusion. A medical professional can perform a series of tests to determine whether the condition is caused by a specific disorder or whether the person is experiencing the early signs of normal ageing. In some cases, patients with dementia are treated successfully and the symptoms may disappear.
There are many symptoms of dementia. People with the disorder may experience frustration and anger. Repetitive behaviors may occur, and a person might repeat a question several times. They might try to hurt themselves or others, and they may withdraw from social activities. Keeping their mind active is vital for preventing the development of dementia. During the day, they should participate in physical activities and not take too many naps. Moreover, they should avoid stressful and frustrating situations.
A person affected with dementia may have difficulty with communication, planning, organization, and navigation. Psychiatric symptoms are also common and can include mood swings, depression, and hallucinations. However, a person with dementia is unable to make good decisions. As a result, their decisions will be influenced by their surroundings and the emotions of others. If a person is suffering from dementia, it is important to seek the help of a trained professional.
Early-stage Alzheimer’s begins with memory problems and other cognitive difficulties. Most people with Alzheimer’s are diagnosed at this stage, and there are a variety of stages in the disease. As the disease progresses, the person is more likely to show signs of the disease. A physician will be able to determine if the disease is early or late stage. If you notice any of these symptoms in your loved one, you should contact a doctor as soon as possible.
As Alzheimer’s progresses, routine activities become increasingly difficult. People with the disease may forget how to use simple objects and may even become confused about where they are and how they got there. However, there are many skills that may remain intact even as the symptoms of the disease worsen.
If you suspect that someone you know is suffering from Alzheimer’s, you should make an appointment, for that person, with a physician to have them perform a neurological examination. The doctor can also perform standard medical tests and refer the patient to a psychiatrist or geriatrician, as needed. Your doctor may also refer you to a neurologist if the patient has a family history of the disease.
If you know someone who may be affected by dementia, Alzheimer’s, or even brain fog from having COVID or another reason, consider using Yu-Brain in their daily routine.
For people who prefer natural, drug-free, plant-based, and environmentally safe products to pharmaceuticals please sign up for Tuesdays Naturals Newsletter.
(1) Free Radicals — Alzheimer’s
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